About Me

I love blogging. I have been blogging for more than 4 years now, mainly at YAPDATES, a site called “Yap Family in Vancouver.” In it, I have written more than 650 posts covering a variety of topics like Technology, Theology, Book Reviews, Reflections on Culture, Faith Matters, Famous People, News regarding my family and so on. All these efforts have been done partly as a service to readers and loved ones interested to keep up to date about news surrounding my family. However, as my blog grows, I am increasingly led to believe that I need to be more focused in my blogging. One of my weekly focuses is SabbathWalk, where I write weekly devotionals to help fellow Christians on their faith walk.

I love reading. Having given away more than 300 books before coming to Vancouver, I find myself receiving more than double what I gave away. Libraries are considered my second home. As a lover of books, my shelves are always full, both my own and what I borrow from the libraries. I learned to read fast. I loved to review books. However, not every book review gets published because either they were too elementary or I was not motivated enough to put it in writing.

I love writing. It is what kept me going in my blogging. I have also been journaling a lot since my high school days. Perhaps, those are early signs of a writing career. I do not yet know. Only time will tell. In due time, I may publish a book.

I love to study. Having attained 3 academic degrees, I am currently working on my 4th, a doctorate, which is my attempt to reorganize my own life as well as to contribute to church and society. Looking back, I am still quite surprised myself at being exposed to education at three different continents. I got my Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering from Singapore in 1989. I received by Masters of Business Administration from the University of Warwick in the UK in 1999. I attained a Master of Divinity from Regent-College in Vancouver, Canada in 2008.

I love to work with technology. I have more than 13 years of technology exposure in multinational companies and small firms. I have worked at companies such as Hewlett-Packard, EMC, Maxtor and consulted for many firms. I have also worked on computing solutions at Regent-College, managing file systems, running the email, the storage, and the educational IT systems used in libraries and academic circles. Part of my excitement is bringing together faith, technology and theology.

I love the church. This is my 25th year since I openly pledged my allegiance to Jesus, and believed him to be my Saviour. I have served several years on the church board, helped plant a church, led Sunday School departments, teach at Youth groups, facilitated adult study groups and started small groups. Though I do not usually get paid for these things, I enjoy it and God has been good to me through various individuals who have faithfully helped me out in special ways.

I love to share what I know. This brings me to the purpose of this blog. In a world where everybody around us seems to be demanding free things, is there room for paid services? I believe there is. Google has proven that web advertising remains a profitable industry. Amazon continues to grow in popularity. Having mentioned 2 giants, I do not wish to think that my humble effort here is going to make me a giant corporation overnight. That is not my goal. My goal is simply to find a small way to fund my desire to help people around. I am a part-timer in many sense: part-time student, a part-time church consultant, a part-time blogger, a part-time technologist. Making ends meet remain something of a challenge.

The question I ask: Is it possible to share what I know, with the online world, and still be able to make some money to cover part of my costs? I prayed about it. I wrestled with it. I struggled to break free from my long-held view that the Internet ought to be free. I believe there is. That is why I started this new blog.

I want to be upfront with you because I believe you deserve to know. This site is not going to be completely free in the traditional sense. There will be ads. There will be invitations to visit some of my sponsors (if any). While most of the contents will remain free, there will be times where I will openly request for donations for a cause. The decision remains with you, though I will certainly hope you can agree with my cause. I will provide more details as we go along.

Join me as I journey along in this strange world of blogging and sharing. I do not have a personal budget, except a desire to share. You can send suggestions to me such as:

* My opinions about certain events happening in the world;
* A theological response to what is happening in the Christian world;
* Book reviews of a book that you want to read but have no time to read;
* Get my personal ideas about some up and coming technologies;
* Learn tips from me from buying computers to knowing where to eat.
* The list goes on.

Why should you engage my expertise?

I will be offering a perpective that is quite unique in at least 3 ways:

Background: I was born in Malaysia, lived and worked in Singapore, Europe, Canada and the US. I believe I can provide an important Asian perspective in a largely Western-educated, Western framed world. I think that the Internet has been dominated by people with a Western mindset. In an increasingly globalized and connected world, we need a non-Western perspective on many issues surrounding the world. I hope to be able to help provide a more wholistic view of what is happening in the world, to provide a unique perspective.

Integration: I am an engineer, a business consultant, a church planter, as well as a theologian. Culture, Media, Technology and Theology remains my key areas of interest. My personal desire is to help people make sense of their lives. My desire is to help people make a sense of their calling or vocation in life.

Family: I am a family person, and believe firmly that this world is better off with stronger families. I have 3 lovely children and a beautiful wife. They are the love of my life. I will be sharing my expertise with an understanding that the modern world imposes severe stress on this important unit of society. I am a trained in marriage enrichment programs. Being a parent myself, I know what it means to raise little children and teens. I understand the struggles between work and family matters. My hope is that this blog will help strengthen relationships inside the family as well.

With these 3 goals, I encourage you to contact me with suggestions and to let me help you engage the world, a world that is not getting simpler but complex. Join me in this journey of helping. My email address is yapdates@aim.com

A final note. Generally, giving is voluntary. Yet, giving is also life-enriching. Even as I give of my talents and gifts, you are welcome to give to my blogging cause. After all, in giving, we are participating in the creative enterprise which is the very essence of human living. Freely give, and freely receive. God loves a cheerful giver. As cheerfully as I blog, I pray you will also cheerfully engage me in commenting, in sharing, in suggesting, and also in giving.

If you feel led to support me in this blogging journey, stay in touch with this blog. I will furnish details when they are available. You can register your support by sending me an email, or simply click on the ads that appears in due course.

conrade yap

One thought on “About Me

  1. My personal desire is to help people make sense of their lives. My desire is to help people make a sense of their calling or vocation in life.

    Me too! But I am facing a lot of difficulties 😦

    Can you share some of your experiences to me?

    I am a Hong Konger and church minster to young profressionals.


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